Lost in the Church
Lost in the Church
There are churches and there are churches. This is a book thai you read and you will be able to give a good assessment and evaluation of the scriptural demands of the church. This will let you give a genuine score of the church you attend. What are being taught and done in the church points to the orientation of the members of the congregation. It reveals in chapter three, the four major sources of the unmaking of a church. This is buttressed in Roman 8:6. Then you have a choice to decide to do away with your ego-obsession with the position you hold in your present church out of ignorance and move to a place where you can get salvation. If you are honest enough to admit that quite a number of unscriptural activities are going on in the church you attend now, follow the advice of the author: “Take a step of faith today by separating yourself from the church or groups of the dead” As the common saying goes, if your church can not change you, change your church.